
Monaco-New York Race Announced

United Press International

Prince Albert of Monaco has announced the creation of a quadrennial Monaco-New York world championship sailing race to begin Oct. 13 from the Mediterranean principality.

“This will be an eventful race,” said Prince Albert, who is president of the Monaco Yacht Club.

Race organizer Michel Etevenon said he expected between 30 and 40 “Formula One” boats to take part in the first Monaco-New York race, which is to count for the world championship of yacht racing awarded every four years.


Etevenon said the October starting date was the only one open on the world championship calendar, but dismissed fears the Atlantic Ocean may be too rough to negotiate in the late fall.

He said specialists had studied the route and “there should be no more risk involved than for any other ocean race.”

The Argos satellite would report on shifts of currents throughout the race and the American navy would lend logistical support for the event, he said.


“This will be a sporting novelty, with the Mediterranean to navigate before the Atlantic, and a great challenge,” Etevenon said.
