
Anaheim : Museum Fund Grows to More Than $400,000

Recent donations to Anaheim Museum Inc. bring the total collected for the city’s first museum to $410,000 so far, museum director Mark Hall-Patton said.

A total of $700,000 is needed for the renovation of the deserted Carnegie Library at the corner of Anaheim Boulevard and Broadway, the future site of the museum, according to Hall-Patton.

Most of the donations and pledges have come from city businesses and residents, Hall-Patton said, including a recent donation of $6,500 from Anaheim resident and former City Manager Keith Murdoch and a $2,500 donation from the BankAmerica Foundation.


The City of Anaheim gave a $165,000 community development block grant, and a local historical society, the Mother Colony House, donated $5,000, Hall-Patton said.

Plans for the renovation are complete and awaiting final approval.

“Right now, we’re aiming to be operational by the middle of the year,” Hall-Patton said.

“The collections are growing daily, with people calling with things to donate,” he said. “It takes quite a few years to build a good collection, but we have some nice pieces coming in.” The new museum will house documents and artifacts that mark the development of Anaheim. Recent historical donations include an antique branding iron, a sterling silver coffer and tea service dating from the 1860s, and a number of articles of antique clothing.
