
Opinion: More reader endorsements: No sleep til Cali, Bill and Joe; let Adlai go the other way; do not fear the attached file!

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Reader reactions to our ‘American Values’ series are still pouring in. Share your own thoughts or endorsements in the comments below or via email to [email protected]. Without further comment:

Mary Ann Cherry, Los Angeles:

Thank you for acknowledging the mean-spiritedness that the current administration has fostered in our country. It is downright painful to see the examples the White House has set as played out in personal relationships.I am supporting Bill Richardson - and not just because he absolutely refuses to go mean, personal, or negative in his campaign (that was an added bonus to see how he’d change the overall tone of our national dialogue). I support him because he is clearly the best person for the job. His foreign relations experience alone should have him in the top tier. His Energy Plan can bring new industries and encourage economic growth. Richardson’s Energy Plan actually spells out all forms of renewable and alternative energy sources; whereas a certain top tier candidate, a Senator from New York, has an energy plan that does not mention renewable. She will leave no room for new industry and clearly caters to her oil friends. Richardson will take care of our Veterans as never before done in this country, with a Hero’s Health Card. And, he will get our troops out of Iraq and begin the peace negotiations. He is the only candidate from both parties who has the skill and experience to successfully make that happen. I support Richardson because he is a true progressive who has already demonstrated maturity in governing (he is the only Democrat who runs a state) and he plans to make it a constitutional amendment that the budget needs to be balanced. Bravo for the little people!I support Bill Richardson not because he is the best looking candidate, or the slimmest, or the most finely coiffed. I support him because he values our liberties and the Bill of Rights. He doesn’t bring a lot baggage with him from previous public-political squabbles. Yes, he is a mature person. He represents the values of FDR while championing new thoughts for our time and a better direction for our nation in world affairs.That’s my opinion. Thanks for asking.


Julie May, Los Angeles:

While I would gladly support any of the Democratic candidates in the general election, my first choice is John Edwards. I think he is the most progressive of the front-runners, and he has spent the last four years out in the field working for economic justice. I think he would get us out of Iraq and would be diplomatic rather than bellligerent in his foreign relations. I wish he would support a single payer health plan - an extension of Medicare to all - but I know the insurance and pharmaceutical industries are terribly powerful. I would expect Edwards to fight corporate power, which has an ever-greater hold on our government.I reject the line that being a trial lawyer makes Edwards a bad person. His legal work has always been in support of the less powerful against the corporations that roll over them. As to his wealth, his mansion, and his haircuts, he has earned them. FDR was wealthy, and so was Kennedy, and they certainly were two of the greatest supporters of the poor and the middle class. Bush’s wealth has never been an issue, nor has that of Romney, but of course they only support the rich and powerful.I shudder at the thought of any of the Republican candidates becoming president. I cannot imagine any of them being one iota less awful than Bush, and that is just about as bad as we have ever been.I only hope that our primary votes in California will have more clout than they have had in the past.

Slawomir J. Borowy:

Dear Madam and/or Sir, I kindly request you to read the attached information on what is behind the quest of Senator Hillary RODHAM CLINTON for U.S. presidency, in fact. The attachment is in the zipped format of Microsoft Word. It does not contain any virus and anything dangerous to the setup in your computer. Its opening is safe. I deeply apologize for any imperfection in the contents of information provided, but my laptop was hacked. I had to re-do its setup. I was short of time to make any improvements. This is self-explanatory in the contents of facts given there. Thanking you for your time in advance, I wish you all the best in the New Year with all your dreams to come true. Sincerely, Slawomir J. Borowy PLEASE, CONSIDER FORWARDING FURTHER, IF YOU DEEM APPROPRIATE.

Mary Louise Dickinson, Senior Paralegal, Rosemead:

Editor: Senators Biden and Dodd, along with Gov. Richardson are seasoned professionals; each would make a good president. In the early going, Senator Gravel was the soul of the debates. Yes, older, yes, no chance to win anything, but for those who hated the Viet Nam war, Mike Gravel was a hero to us, and he kept the other candidates on their toes by pointing out the inconsistent positions of each of them. Senator Edwards was a bit of a light weight in the past; as well as a very conservative democrat. If his new found feeling for the common man is authentic, then a portion of his message is productive. Nevertheless, pitting the corporation against the citizen is not productive. His anger is disturbing. Senator Obama is the African American Adlia Stevenson. He is very bright, and clearly an intellectual. Nevertheless, based upon his many votes of ‘present’ rather yea or nay, he is not ready to be the president. He strikes me as the smartest child in the senior class, and he want everyone to know it. This brings me to Senator Clinton. Initially, I thought that she must be a fool to want to get into the national spot light, as those who despise President Clinton, and the Senator will crucify her...and they will. Then I thought about it, and realized that she has ‘guts.’ She have proven herself as a more than able senator...she ‘plays well with the republicans.’ She is a very bright woman, and I believe firmly that she could represent this country well over seas. While I would have preferred Senator Feinstein or Congresswoman Ferraro as the first woman president, Senator Clinton remains my choice for this election cycle. As for the republicans, God help them all. The only candidate I could possibly support would be Senator McCain. Governor Romney is a disgrace to that party.
