
For the Record - Sept. 17, 2019

Art exhibition: In the Sept. 15 Arts & Books section’s fall preview list of art exhibitions, a reference to the Alison Saar exhibition “Of Aether and Earthe” implied that the show was running this year. It is scheduled for next year.

Jaime Martín: An article in the Sept. 15 Arts & Books section about the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra’s new music director, Jaime Martín, misstated one of the composers with whom he will be working. The composer is Juan Pablo Contreras, not Javier Contreras.

“Another Day of Life”: In the Sept. 13 Calendar section, the review of the animated nonfiction film “Another Day of Life” mis- credited Kerry Shale as the voice of journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski, Youssef Kerkour as Commandante Farrusco and Lillie Flynn as Carlotta. John Hollingworth is the voice of Kapuscinski, Lula Suassuna is Farrusco and Celia Manuel is Carlotta.


Trump and hurricane: In the Sept. 14 Section A, an article about White House pressure on U.S. weather agencies after President Trump’s inaccurate statement regarding Hurricane Dorian misstated the name of an academic institution. The name is Dartmouth College, not Dartmouth University.

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